Dancing with truth and peace



May 2013



Six rules for preaching (by Louis Giglio – Preaching Rocket)

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Yesterday I took part in the free, and incredibly helpful, Preaching Rocket web-conference. I have been thinking a lot about content recently, and it was great to spend a day focussed on refining my communication skills. Louis Giglio gave a great talk that encompassed both content and technique. The principles from this talk have application for preachers, teachers and writers. Here are his six rules for preaching:

  1. Have something to say. If not, don’t speak. If you have just a little bit to say, speak your little bit.
  2. Be faithful to the text. Make sure that you have horsepower behind what you say. We are servants of God, so be faithful to his text. Don’t add to what the chef has already prepared.
  3. Lead people to Jesus. Don’t lead them to you or anything else but Jesus.
  4. Don’t be boring. This should be a crime. The Gospel message is not boring!
  5. Prepare.
  6. Be led by the Holy Spirit. I’m led best when I’m best prepared. And I’m ok walking away from a prepared plan when guided that way. The team has to understand this, and be humble when it happens.

Do you have any rulest that you’d add to the list?


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