Dancing with truth and peace



February 2013



5 principles the Bible teaches about kindness

Written by , Posted in Your World

In my previous post, I wrote about how Kindness = Awareness + Action. We see this equation everywhere. The Bible says a lot about kindness. Here are five principles that I believe are very important:

  1. Kindness is a command, not an optional personality trait (Colossians 3:12). The Bible doesn’t give us wiggle room to be rude, and then say, “Sorry, that’s just my personality.” Unkindness is sin.
  2. We are to be kind, even to the unkind (Luke 6:32-36). Anyone can be nice to nice people, but Jesus calls us to be kind to the unkind (just as God was kind to us).
  3. Kindness leads to lasting influence (II Chronicles 10). Intimidation can help you get your way temporarily, but it’s a horrible way to lead. People grow bitter, and they give you the bare minimum. However, when people lead with kindness, those around them will do anything for them.
  4. God’s kindness is perfectly displayed in Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-7; Titus 3:3-5). God’s kindness is seen in its fullness, as we consider the perfect gift of Jesus.
  5. Scripture is bursting with commands to show kindness to the poor, weak and vulnerable (Matthew 25). You can open your Bible to just about any page, and it will be difficult for you to turn many pages either direction, and not see how God cares for those in need.

Kind people are people of action. They are useful, excellent and caring. We can make this week a better one for the world, if we live with God’s kindness in us.

To hear my sermon about this topic, go here.


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